How to properly operate a car with a turbocharged engine?

How to properly operate a car with a turbocharged engine?

Turbocharged engines are becoming more and more popular every year, many automakers are even abandoning the classic atmospheric engines in favor of such powerful and environmentally friendly supercharged power units. At the same time the operation of such turbocharged engines has its own specific features, knowledge of which will allow you to avoid critical malfunctions of the power unit. Let’s talk in detail about five important rules when operating turbocharged engines.

Follow the car manufacturer’s recommendations

The car owner will need to study the car’s manual which clearly indicates what oil to use and at what mileage it is recommended to change it. Such a correct choice of oil will be one of the prerequisites for trouble-free operation of the turbine, which will be properly lubricated, and, consequently, its premature wear is prevented.

The peculiarity of operation of such engines is that the turbine is lubricated with oil from the common oil system. Accordingly, the oil used must ensure not only the correct operation of the engine, but also of the turbine. It is mandatory to change oil and air filters, clean the crankcase ventilation, check the cooling system, and avoid loss of tightness of the intake valve.

Warming up a cold engine

Today, many car owners, in order not to waste time, do not warm up the engine after a long parking lot, which can lead to significant problems in the engine, its premature wear and failure of the turbocharger. It is necessary to remember that the available thermal gaps are designed to work in the conditions of a warmed up engine, so even a short-term operation with cold oil will invariably lead to problems with the turbocharger.

No need to stop the engine immediately

The turbine heats up during operation, so if you shut off the engine immediately after driving, it will cause uneven cooling of the metal elements, causing problems with the slide bearings and the turbine shaft. Due to such high temperatures, the oil inside the turbine starts to get caked, eventually the turbine is poorly cooled and lubricated, which leads to its critical breakdowns. This is why even after a short trip, when you arrive at your destination, you should not immediately stop the engine, but let it run for a while, and only then, after cooling all the hot components, should you stop the engine.

Avoid prolonged idling of the engine

When operating any car, take it as a rule that the car must run, and the engine must work. You should not leave your car idle for weeks and months, this leads to problems with gaskets, through which oil starts to leak. You should also avoid idling for long periods of time, which causes the oil to foam, producing large amounts of soot, which clogs the turbine slide bearings and puts the supercharger out of commission.